Nursing Mental Health & Resilience Support

The American Nurses Foundation and the American Nurses Association launched a series of surveys to nurses
at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. All data gathered have been used to for decisions about how to best
support nurses during and after this public health crisis.

  1. Moodfit: Provides tools & insight to improve the fitness of your mental health, including: Selfcare, Mood journal, Gratitude journal, Mindfulness meditation, Breathing exercises, CBT
    thought record, Reminders with key messages, Tips & inspiration.
  2. Happy App: Nursing professionals can call these support-givers for free. If you ever find yourself needing to talk with someone after a challenging shift, to relieve yourself of stressful thoughts and concerns, or to rebuild your resilience with emotional support, the Happy App Warm Line can help.
  3. A Nursing State of Mind Podcast Series: In this podcast, two veteran nurses discuss coping mechanisms with practical ideas to renew our energy, confidence, and passion for nursing.
  4. COVID 19 Resource Center: All the COVID-19 resources nurses need, all in one place. Sign up for information, support, and more from ANA’s COVID-19 Resource Center.
  5. Gratitude Practice for Nurses: Download the Toolkit.
  6. Narrative Expressive Writing (NEW): Can help resilience, improve mindfulness, and reduce psychological distress.
  7. Dealing with GRIEF Videos: A series of 5 short, powerful videos aims to provide timely and practical information to help you care for the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs of your patients and their families.
  8. After Work Checklist
  9. Nurses House: National fund for nurses in need of short-term financial assistance due to illness or disability.