Well In Mind Self-Care Tip of the Week

6 Coping Strategies to Ease Anxiety

New research published in American Psychologist identifies a handful of coping strategies associated with psychological resilience.

  • Active Coping: An active coping strategy occurs when a person makes a conscious decision to fix something in his/her life. One can do this by seeking information/social support/help, changing one’s environment, and/or solving problems.
  • Positive Reframing: This is when someone turns a negative into a positive or finds the best in a situation. It is the glass-half-full mentality.
  • Instrumental Support: Thisrefers to the help others may provide you — for instance, by offering financial assistance, housekeeping, or childcare support.
  • Religion/Spirituality: Coping with trauma or stress through the comfort found in spiritual or religious practices.
  • Acceptance: This involves responding to change in a way that aligns with your values and not fighting against things that are out of your control.
  • Emotional support:  Tapping into the warmth and nurturance that is derived from your core social circle. Spending quality time with friends and family, even if through a Zoom call or FaceTime.

The team of researchers report that substance use, planning, venting, and denial actually do more to hurt the situation than to help it. They also found that humor and self-distraction neither induced a beneficial nor negative change in people’s well-being.

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